
CEYF(Youth Fellowship)
            CEYF in our church includes 45 members. In each week, president and CEYF secretary lead CEYF worship. English worship, Spiritual dedication, area visiting and debate are conducting on first, second, third and fourth week respectively. Each members of this fellowship is doing programs very neatly. We give financial support to the poor people and visit them in youth week and Easter. We have developed an Automatic Playback System. We had given it to church. We have been conducting Ester Message Rally. This website is also being operated by Youth of CSI Keezharoor. Tour is being operated in a year. To encourage member of CEYF arts and sports competitions are being arranged and the winners will be participated in the competitions in district level. Our CEYF grows day by day due to these activities. God help us to do good things to others.

Secretary, accountant, treasurer, and other committee members are elected according to the rules followed by our diocese. After the church worship, Sunday school started on 10.15am in every Sunday. Starting prayer is conducted by each class orderly from nursery to adult grade. Offerings, auction, poultry farming are done for the financial growth of Sunday school. After classes, teacher or secretary will ask questions to children in the order of each grade. At last, Sunday school ends with benediction, after the prayer of president.
After taught 15 chapters, test papers are conducting. Rally conducts in world Sunday school day. Teachers in our fellowship includes, district representative, Sunday school secretary, account, area representative and district council member. For the activities of the Sunday school in N. David, S. Saritha and S. Deepa are selected as secretary, accountant and treasurer respectively. Besides secretary Reeja James and Shaija are elected as district representatives. There are 150 students and 21 teachers in our Sunday school from Nursery to Adult grade.

Women fellowship
           Women’s fellowship conducts every   Sunday from 3 pm to 4.30. pm with around 30 members. Starting with prayer continues with song, psalm, intersession, and bible reading. Speech and bible quiz are conducting in the first week, intersession in the 2nd week, testimony in the 3rd week and area visiting in the 4th week of a month. Goats are given to the poor people of this fellowship and give financial support to the people who suffered by discuses.

Children’s Fellowship
           Children’s fellowship conducts every Saturday on 4.30pm to 5.30 pm. 77 children participate in it regularly. They are divided into two groups to encourage them. Programs are conducted by each group in every week.
Prayer, song, psalm etc are conducted for the spiritual growth of children. Besides this, monoact, kadhaprasangam, action song, special song, general quiz are conducted to improve their skills. Every week, classes are conducted by each of children on the basis of curriculum named as ‘Thenmozhikal’ published by our diocese. Quiz programs are conducting based on these classes.

Other Projects:

1. Goat Farming:-
We started to help poor family through giving goat, since June 2003. Now, 75 families are under this project.
 2. Pension Project:-
If helps to old age people and windows. This project started in 2004.
3. Poor fund (Darglee Bai Memorial fund)
This project helps to marriage needs of the poor people. And give financial helps to poor people who suffering due to different diseases.
4. Encouraging Program:
Members who got job in government sector and won high marks in higher education sector. Also members who exceeds to 70 year old people are eligible to get the benefits of this project.
5. Missionary Sponsoring:
We are sponsoring a missionary in North India since 5 years. Now, Kithan Chowhan is our missionary in Chatheesgad. Soman kaithakuzhi helps to collect contribution from all our church members.