
92 years back, our church has been formed by memorable ancestors. At that time, it was started by a foreigner A.T Bastor at Maruthamkodu, in a little shed roofed with coconut leaf. Then this worship centre moved to Keezharoor. In 1930, it named as L M S Maruthamkodu. Still, it was in a shed, roofed with coconut leaf. Evg. M. Nehemiah, conducted worship in the time period of 1930 to July 1934 .Then Mr. J. Asariya came. He led the service till February, 1935. At that time all the records are kept in Tamil. L.M.S. Maruthukodu was under the Israel Achan, he was the circle Chairman. In March 1935, Evg. Mr. D Justus came and started to write Church records in Malayalam. Here after our Church started to develop. Evg. Justus transferred in June 1938. Late. Pakyam deacon was the church secretary .He led the church worship in April 1941 to July 1938. Rev. B. Devadas Achan was the circle chairman. He verified all the accounts and approved. Evg. R. Yappoth took charge in September 1951 and led worship. He transferred in December, 1952. There was no evangelist from 1953. In this period, L.M.S. Maruthamkodu church Committee members are Pakyam Deacon, Joseph deacon, David deacon, Enose deacon and Essac deacon. And church secretary was Pakyam Deacon. He led the worship with all committee members. Mr. Joseph Deacon was the account at that time and circle chairman Rev. C. Sathydas, verified and approved all the account. Then Evg. Gamayel took the charge in 1958 to may 1959. And circle chairman was Rev. Dharmadas.
                          Renamed our church from L.M.S. Maruthamkodu to CSI Keezharoor. In that time Bishop was Legg. At that time there was no Evangelist to led worship. So that circle Chairman Rev. Dharmadas Achan put our church under C S I Ancod in 1959 to May 1960. Then Ancodu church worker Evg. K. Laser came and led worship after his service at CSI Ancodu, then he transferred. Evg. P. Samuel conducted services from June 1960. Evg. Balaraj led the worship from May 1961 to April 1963, after his service in C S I Ancodu, and then he transferred. After this, there was no evangelist for little bit time. Then number of services has been reduced. Roof of the hall destructed and fell down. And services are stopped temporarily. It was the most pathetic condition in our church history. Thus late deacons are Mr. Chellayan, Mr. Neshamani, Mr. Joseph, Mr. Devadas (kristuvilasm Banglavu). They were committee members of CSI Ancodu. They tried to re-construct roof and walls. While the work were progressing, one wall fell down again. In that situation, Monk. Isaac initiated to renovate this church. Church building constructed with 42 feel length and 22 ft breadth with financial help of Hon. Monk Isaac and hard work of church members. It was inaugurated by Rt. Rev .I .Jesus dasan in 16th May, 1965. Then Chemboor Dist. Chairman, Rev Rose berry achan arranged M.A. Thomas sir as a church worker. He was the teacher in L.P School, Chemboor. He took charge in our church in 16th may 1965. In his period, Monk. Isaac electrified this church and changed roof to tile from coconut leaf. In that occasion, church secretary was Mr. Thomson, brother of Monk. Isaac in karunya Vilasam. He served our church as church secretary for long term. He did many things for the development of our church and contributed many financial help.
                                             Thomas sir transferred after 6 year service. Then Evg. John took the charge in 8th August, 1971. He was recognized by diocese. Our church started to grow up. Church and all fellowships developed at this time of Dist. Chairman, Rev. J. Wilson. When Evg. John transferred, Evg. Sadanandan, Evg. Christudas, Evg. Barnabass, Evg. Nadarajan, Evg. Joshwa were served our church respectively. At that time; Rev.Balaraj, Rev. Ressal. Rev. Essineser, Rev. Noble were dist. chairman. Then Evg. Gnanadas came and done radical developments. Evg. Gnanadas and church committee members are planned to build a mission house. They approached Monk. Isaac and he gave 5 cent for commtructing mission home. Then church committee and members are constructed mission house. It was inaugurated by Bishop Rt. Rev. I. Yesudasan in 24th may, 1987 (Sunday). Then church hall filled with members. Hall was not enough to accommodate all people. Then committee planed to expand 28 ft church building. So that church hall expanded backward and put foundation stone. Members collected necessary woods. Then Evg. Gnanadas transferred after completed 5 years of service. Necessary woods are contributed by Thomason deacon. Evg. Devadas and committee completed construction work and Inaugurated by Bishop Rt. Rev. Dr. Samuel Amurutham in 17th June, 1990. Evg. Devadas completed 5 year and Evg. Israel came, he completed 3 years of service. Rev Robinson took charge. thus CSI Keezharoor got a priest. After 2 years of service he retired and went for rest. Then Rev. Ambrose came and again church hall filled with members. Hall was not enough to accommodate all people .Then committee decided to extend 10 feet foreword. And constructed a bell tower and put a bell. It was inaugurated a by Bishop Rt Rev. Dr.J.W. Gladston in 25th june 2000, in the presence of two foreigners came from United States of America. Dr.s. Devanaseham( S.K.D. Secrctary), Mr. Babu Raj Prasad(S.K.D treasurer) were blessed that occasion. Then Rev. Joseph Ambrose transferred after 3 years of service, Rev. David took charge of our church .Then Rev. P. Jesus came to our church. After that Rev. Sam Raj took the responsibilities. Now, our church has 50 cent of area of land.
                       Church workers served from 1965, Evg. Thomson, Evg. Joshow, Evg. Christudas, Rev. K. Laser, Rev. Robinson are passed away in Christ.
                                     In 2003, Vestry was in very pathetic condition; committee understood that and decided to renovate it. Then put foundation stone in 22th June, 2003 at 8.30 (Sunday). In that session diocese secretary Dr. S. Devaneshan was the chief guest. Then vestry was completed by committee and church members. It was dedicated by Rev. G. David, our church workers. In that occasion chief gust was diocese treasure, Mr. John Jose sir. In relation with this program, diocese IHDP and our church started a stitching training program. And we started a person program for most old age people. Now it helps to 10 people. Our church has around 310 family members.
                                   Lates Christudas deacon, James deacon, Babu deacon, Poulose deacon, E. Thomson deacon, Dasamma deacons and Kunjamma deacons are served our church as committee members.  Mr. Godwin deacon, Simon deacon, Eliyasers deacon, Yesudas deacon, Rajesh deacon, Baby deacons, Sarasam deacons, Janet Pathros deacons, Pathros deacon, Balaraj deacon, Chrispin deacon, John deacons, Suresh deacon, Little flower deacons, David deacon are also served our church committee as members. From them, Eliyaser deacon and Rajesh deacon are working as church worker under our diocese now. Our church member D. Suresh is ministering in Jammu Kashmir as a missionary.
                                    Late Poulse deacon, Late Enosis deacon, David Deacon and Rajesh Deacon were sextons in different times of our church history. And now Noble Raj is serving as sexton in our church.